+44 (0) 33 3339 8316


Types of Projects

mnovate helps businesses at different stages of their CRM journey. 

CRM Implementations

If your existing ways of working or technology is holding you back we can help.  We'll work with you to deliver a new CRM solution that supports your overall business objectives and helps your team to focus on the important aspects of their individual roles.  New implementations provide an opportunity to review how you do things and improve them.  We provide this guidance as part of all our CRM implementations.  

Consultancy and  Audits

If you're existing user of Microsoft Dynamics or unhappy with your existing partner, we can provide a fresh outlook to help you make more of this great platform.  Alternatively if you're looking to review your CRM, database and ways of working, we can guide you through an audit process with clear road-map that support your short, medium and longer term objectives. 


Whilst a flexible and functionality rich CRM is central to developing both a successful and efficient engagement strategy with clients and prospective clients, it works most effectively when integrated to other core platforms.  mnovate are experts in integrating CRM in a way that minimises risk, is fast, yet robust.  Clients benefit from a tried and tested approach that puts them on firm footing for building a 360-degree view of all contacts and organisations.

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