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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Membership

The fastest growing CRM in the sector - find out why below... 

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  • Slide title

    Who said Dynamics 365 is for larger organisations?

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    Who said Dynamics 365 is too expensive?

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    Who said your organisation isn't ready for Dynamics 365?

  • Slide title

    Who said it's easier to stick with a CRM that doesn't do its job?


How you ask?

Use your data to better support your members, make your business more operationally resilient and support a strong recovery.

mnovate will have you up and running with a modern CRM - quickly and cost effectively.  

But....it's not just about the right technology...

We know that for many member-focused organisations, budgets and internal resource can be tight and it can feel like a big decision to change CRM.

mnovate's significant sector experience combined with our pre-built modules for membership, will help you to keep costs down and time to implement to a minimum.

Our focus is on keeping things simple, being pragmatic and getting our clients benefiting from their CRM as quickly as possible. 

We'll be straight with you, yet flexible, and get you working on things that matter.

Satisfied  members


Simple and Powerful

Contact and Organisation Management

Membership Management

Events Management

Groups Management

Training and CPD

Marketing and Communications

Benefits and Analysis

Reports and dashboards


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